The team would appreciate your comments in terms of editing, questions, suggestions and such. Please use the "Contact" page for your responses.
A note on the order of Guest postings: The most recent will be shown first.
Healing Meditation Jan Averill
"You Can't do it Wrong"
Phyllis McCoy LSICC Talk on Pyramids 10_26_2019 (mp3)
DownloadWith Jasmine Phoenix Healing Meditation
We weren't able to get the Power Point up and running but Sarah is such a wonderful story-teller it wasn't needed. In fact, it may have actually detracted from the beautiful imagery she painted for our mind's eye.
A few bullets;
I am, you are the Walrus, I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob...
What-the-Walrus-Knows-1 (pdf)
DownloadGuest Speaker Series
Transcriptions of segments of the Talk:
Atonement [At-One-Ment]; "Being at Oneness" is the central idea in terms of the perspective of Eastern Traditions. He points out that we are all suffering to one degree or another and that "it is a messy business being human." This talk to me helps bring the Internal and External worlds more into balance. This is a conversation on how to become still and quiet to then "hear" the inner truth within us all. DF
With Sue Brewer Meditation
Guest Speaker Series
The first transcription is of the holding of the fingers and how this helps uncover or re-awaken the spiritual fruit already within us. This is practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu.
The High Five:
1. Your thumb is worry
a. Use your left thumb wrapping the fingers of the right hand around
b. NOTE: This is innate knowledge, it is within you, like the Fruits of the Spirit, they are already within us
c. When you let this go, peace shows up
2. Index finger is fear
a. You might feel a pulse in this finger
b. You are jumper cabling yourself
c. Let go body, mind, and spirit
d. Let go of fear, love shows up. This is unconditional love
3. Middle finger is anger
a. You can substitute frustration if you don’t think that you have anger
b. Let go of anger, kindness and goodness show up
4. Ring finger is sadness
a. This is the relational finger
b. Grieving or lost in life
c. Let go of this, we get gentle with each other
5. Little finger is trying or effort
a. Japanese translation is “pretense”
b. Happy on the outside, crying on the inside
c. Let this go, reach self-control
Jin Shin Jyutsu URL; Paul Bergstrom
Jin Shin Jyutsu is pronounced Gin Shin Jute-Sue or Jit-Sue (either way is fine). Or you could just say "JSJ" too. JSJ offers a gentle balancing of life energy to achieve health and well-being. It's a series of hands-on sequences to restore emotional, mental, and physical equilibrium by addressing the cause of disharmonious energy. JSJ is a complementary modality that can be used anywhere and be done on oneself or with others.
Jin Shin Jyutsu & Flow: Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient art of harmonizing life energy in body, mind and spirit. Flows are the combination of holds on specific points on the body to unblock stuck energy. Flow is also a state of non-resistance to life, which is naturally enhanced with JSJ.
Allowing and flowing in life becomes much easier with Jin Shin Jyutsu self-helps which are taught after each session. JSJ can greatly enhance your feeling of well-being and can be done on yourself or others anytime and anywhere.
Phone: (218) 600-9710
Paul Bergstrom Talk LSICC Notes and Transcription (pdf)
DownloadGuest Speaker Series
Guest Speaker Series
Beautiful Music
Guest Speaker Series:
Carolyn Sheets Talk LSICC Audio Extraction (mp3)
Living in Partnership with Nature: Findhorn & Perelandra
Communication with nature is not new. Certainly there are many profound ways Humans live in balance with the Earth and each other. This needs to be deeply recognized before the message in these projects take us into yet another direction. Particularly we can honor our global Indigenous cultures, going back through time, which still carry reverent and deep communion with the natural world. All the while heavy abuse of our planet by dominant powers has brought us global crisis. To respond in a meaningful way is the quest for many of us. With this calling, here are TWO RELATED PROJECTS, that emerged a bit over 50 years ago, and both are still thriving!
#ONE / 1960s : F I N D H O R N : is on the north coast of Scotland. It’s the birthing place. (4:28)
#TWO / 1970s : P E R E L A N D R A : springs forth from Findhorn’s roots, rural Virginia near Washington DC. (5:41)
TEACHING STORIES on Perelandra’s website.. these quickly show the power of this kind of relationship with Nature.
Now about the booklist:
That you all can start with as you wish. I started re-reading it 4 months ago. I felt called back, since finding them in the early 90s. Yes I treasured their basic message back then. I’ve used the MAP book regularly through the years. Yet suddenly I was On Fire to go deeper, to cross-reference between books and collect a lending library! This video introduces my version of the story, for our dear long-standing interfaith community, mid-July 2019.
Here are my 5 books.. in the order I read them :
The Magic of Findhorn.
Paul Hawken. 1975.
Out of print yet well worth the read. Slowly the story unfolds through the lives of 4 key people, who were precisely prepared for decades.. to participate in birthing this unlikely community in Scotland. Astonishing!
Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered.
Machaelle Small Wright. 1983. 1987. 1997.
Again there are remarkable life circumstances that seed the personal growth for the author. she reads 2 Findhorn books and they inspire her accelerated life path. The first half of the book gives her background.. and then Whoosh! We are immersed in startling stories and significant how-to instructions for co-creating with Nature. She teaches us about her gardens, plus how we can engage Nature’s partnership in our relationships, meetings, projects of all kinds.. for smoother and surprisingly creative results. It’s exciting!
Encounters with Nature Spirits.
Co-creating with the Elemental Kingdom.
R. Ogilvie Crombie. 2009. 2018.
This was a new book I added as I immersed in the first 2.. This wise calm man was truly the elder of Findhorn. “Roc” brings a crucial connection to the community, through his capacity to calmly, wisely connect with Pan and the Elementals. He was in his mid-60s when these conscious relationships began for him, though his life had already deeply prepared him; by his mid-70s he had passed on. Meeting him through these books has been a lesson in warmth, scholarship and gravity.
The Findhorn Garden.
Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation.
by The Findhorn Community. 1975.
I see this as a follow-up companion to The Magic.. and Encounters.. I like the order I read them in. see how it works out for you, if this is a journey you take! we are given more day-to-day details, yet without some of the awesome dramatic expanse of the whole story. Cross-referencing all 3 Findhorn books was worth every story I read another repetition of. :); each has its place.
MAP. The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program.
Michaelle Small Wright. 1990. 1994.
How we can participate with Nature in personal healing for physical and mental/emotional circumstances. I have used this system for myself over all these years and been very grateful. However in re-visiting the book, I’m inspired now to be more diligent! The opportunities are endless.
A note on ordering these books :
Whenever possible, I have ordered PERELANDRA BOOKS from their own website. I’ve never seen a big difference in price between online sellers and direct from them. The books really seem to hold their value. So see what works for you.
That’s all! :) It’s an amazing message, with assistance available on the Perelandra phone lines. We plan to have an occasional Sharing Circle in Duluth and possibly online. Please use the “CONTACT” page to let us know you’re interested or connect with me directly.
Peace to each of you..
Offered by Carolyn Sheets
Duluth Minnesota
July 2019
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