Proposal for Test Wells on Reservations to Monitor Pipeline Leaks:
I believe that the bands making up the MCT ought to have the independent ability to monitor what goes on in and around their land. This is a proposal to install test wells along Line 3 on Tribal land. It applies as well to other pipelines that are of interest. These wells will determine leak rate and when a grid is in place the direction and rate of propagation of the leaked crude.
The well bit is a structure ~ (3) feet long by (2) inches in diameter and has a porous mesh where VOC [Volatile Organic Compounds] in the vapor phase can cross the “barrier” but not the liquid phase stuff including water. A range of transducers may be used. The simplest and least expensive is a “detector” that sees ppm concentrations of non-specific VOC. The transducer is monitored by a microprocessor of some appropriate type including necessary firmware and a signal proportional to concentration is sent via some telemetry channel making remote monitoring possible. Well bits of greater length than (3) feet are available if warranted.
In the case that a well reports the presence of some VOC, a field crew can go to that site with a qualitative instrument like a portable micro-GC [Gas Chromatograph]. This instrument can detect individual species making up the sample and report the concentration of each compound from ppm [part per million] to % level amounts.
Initially, only one or two wells would be installed near suspicious sites. In the case that VOCs are detected, then additional wells may be warranted. The methodology for determining “suspicious sites” would be generated by a qualified geologist or environmentalist. UMD Duluth would be tapped first pass if these resources weren’t available by the tribes. I envision all of the needed personnel, functions and technology being supplied by the tribes over some period of time. There are several schools on the six reservations of the MCT. I haven’t checked out their curriculum and such as of yet. I envision the Bands training their own people and managing these programs.
The processor and such would be located directly at the well. I would propose solar power with battery storage. The power requirements are low, probably on the order of (20) watts or so.
Tar sands "crude" pipeline installation.
I will post PDFs here that are Scientific Papers, Studies, and Personal Experience on Pipelines and their effects on our habitat. Much more to come on a variety of topics. This file shown below is the work product of LSU Baton Rouge. There is a huge repository here on this subject. I am in the process of applying this knowledge to our habitat in northern Minnesota in terms of Line 3 and other assaults on or land. Watch this space.
Here is the Wetland Restoration PDF download mentioned in the blog post Honor the Earth and Water Protector.
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